Amazon US Political Books Recommendation System
Amazon US Political Books Network
A network of Amazon US Politics books linked to copurchased books by the same buyers
This chart shows the Amazon US politics books recommendation system.
Nodes in the graph represent each of 105 books.
The books colors represent the categories between "conservative", "neutral", or "liberal".
The sizes represent the number of references to it as indicated
by the "customers who bought this book also bought these other books" feature on Amazon.
The size is not intended to represent the exact value but to indicate books which are referenced more than the others.
Edges represent frequent co-purchasing of books by the same buyers.
Hovering on a node show a tooltip with the book label, category and number of references.
It also highlights the edges connected to it.
Each node could be draged to a different position.
The graph shows two main clusters where "conservative" books are referenced mainly by other "conservative" books and "liberal" books
are refereced mainly by other "liberal" books. On each cluster there are books which are referenced more than others.
The "neutral" books create a couple of intersection points between the clusters but there are also direct references between clusters.